Shipping and Return Policy
Returns, Errors, and Shipping Damage:
Our return policy includes orders we processed incorrectly, shipping damage, and you simply changing your mind.
Our mistake or shipping damage:
We can’t guarantee every order is made and shipped perfectly, but we can guarantee to fix it if you contact us! Just send an email to [email protected], or call us so we can make it right. Please help us out by including a photo of the incorrect or damaged item(s). A picture is worth a thousand words. If we need you to ship the item back, we will provide a shipping label.
You changed your mind:
Contact us within 7 days of the original purchase date. The product(s) cost, minus the original shipping cost and/or rush fees, will be fully refunded. We do not pay for return shipping. We cannot accept returns on the following - clearance items, acrylic with the protective film removed, frame and mat board samples, and artwork. 
How to return an item:
Just contact us at [email protected] or call to let us know what you are returning. Include a copy of your receipt or packing list so we know who to give the refund to.
Mail your product back to us at:
Creative Partners LLC 
794 Piilani Street, Hilo HI 96720