How To Hang A Picture Frame With D-rings

Picture frames with a hook or loop at the back of the frame for hanging are commonly used. These are called “empty” frames, as they do not have an image inserted into them. They are great frames to use for decoration!

Hanging pictures using the hook on the back is easy. You just need the right tools for the job. If you do not have a hammer and a nail, you can use some other similar objects as substitutes.

Just make sure that if you are using plastic nails like tacks, that they are thick enough to support the weight of the picture frame and image. Otherwise, your picture may look nice, but be hanging on by a thin piece of plastic that will break soon!

There are two main types of hanging hardware that most people use: Nails and D-rings.

Measure the distance between the two d-rings

how to hang a picture frame with d-rings

Once you have picked out your picture frame, it is time to get down and dirty with hanging it. You will need to measure the distance between the two d-rings that hold the picture in place.

To do this, use a ruler to measure the inside width of the frame- this is the length between the inner edges of the d-rings. Then, measure the outer width of the frame- this is the length between the outer edges of the d-rings.

Now you can determine how long of a hanging wire you will need. The American Society of Picture Frame Registers has a guide for how long your hanging wire should be. It depends on how far out from the wall your picture is- if it is one inch away, then you need a one foot length of hanging wire. If it is two inches away, then you need a two foot length of hanging wire.

Find the center of your hook or nail

how to hang a picture frame with d-rings

Once you have your frame, you will need to find the center of the back of the frame. You will need to do this to make sure you hang your picture in the right place.

To find the center, line up the edges of the back with a straight edge such as a tape measure or ruler. Then look at where the sides meet in the middle- there should be a tiny dent, and that is the center.

Now you need to find the center of what you are hanging your picture on- whether that be a hook, nail, or something else. Same process: line up the edges with a straight edge and find its center.

If your hanging apparatus has no discernible edges, then measure half of its diameter and mark that as its center.

Hold up your frame and place the hook or nail in the d-ring

how to hang a picture frame with d-rings

Now that your frame has a backing and you have chosen your image, it is time to put them in the frame. You can do this by shopping at your local craft store or Amazon, or even at Walmart!

Once you have your image, it is time to put it in the frame. To do this, first place the image behind the glass then wrap the wire around the back of the frame and twist the ends together. Then, pull up enough wire to hang the frame and twist the ends together.

Now that your picture is ready to go, it is time to hang it. The first thing you need to do is find a secure place to hang your picture. It is best to check with an adult before going off and finding a nail or hook in your house or outside. Then, measure out how far down you want to hang your picture and then measure how far down the wire needs to be cut.

Test to make sure it is sturdy

how to hang a picture frame with d-rings

After you have hung your picture frame, it is time to test it! Pull slightly on the frame to make sure it is secure.

If you used glue and nails, tap on the frame to make sure it is solid. If you used hanging hooks, tug slightly on the picture to check for looseness.

Glue can take a few hours to fully set, so be patient! Make sure all corners are glued well for a strong frame.

Try different spots for hanging until you find the perfect one

how to hang a picture frame with d-rings

Once you have your picture frame, backing, and picture all lined up, it’s time to put them together. This is the fun part!

Hanging a picture is more of an art than a science, so there are not too many rules. However, there are some tricks that will make hanging pictures easier and more secure.

Before you start digging in with nails and hammer, try hanging the picture in several different places. Put it on a wall and then take it down and rehang it to see if you like it there or if there is a better spot for it.

Then, try hanging it at different angles to see what looks best. You can also try putting the nail in different corners of the frame to see which holds up best.

Mark where you will put the hook or nail

how to hang a picture frame with d-rings

Once you have decided where you want your picture frame to hang, you will need to mark where the hook or nail will go. You can do this by taping a pencil or piece of paper to the wall and circling where the hook or nail will go.

Some frames have built-in hanging devices, like wire hooks that are embedded in the back of the frame. These are easy to find and use!

You can also use tape to mark where the hook or nail goes. Just put some tape on the wall where you want to hang your picture and then put the frame on top of the tape. Pull down enough tape so that you can trace where the hook or nail will go.

Make sure your frame is level before marking where you will put the hanging device.

Put a hole in the picture frame where you will put the hook or nail

how to hang a picture frame with d-rings

The next step is to put a hole in the picture where you will hang it. If the picture is wood, you can use a drill to put the hole in the picture. If the picture is plastic or vinyl, you can use a sharp knife or scissors to make the hole.

Make sure the hole is not too big, or the hook will not fit into it. A good size is about an eighth of an inch wide and half an inch deep.

The hang-ready picture should now be positioned so that the hook or nail will go through the middle of the back of the frame. The hanging piece should be pressed into place so that it does not move. Then, take down the picture to see if the hook or nail stuck in place correctly.

Put a hole in the wall where you will put the hook or nail

The next step is to attach the frame to the wall. You can do this by nailing or gluing, depending on the frame. If you have a picture frame with plastic or vinyl on the back of the canvas, you can glue it to the wall.

If you have a framed print, you will need to nail it onto the canvas board it is mounted on. You can then hang it on a hook or nail in the wall.

Hanging pictures using a D-ring hook is similar to hanging them on a nail or hook. The difference is that you have to put in an extra piece: the D-ring.

The ring secures the picture so it does not fall off of the hook when touched or bumped into.