How To Frame A Big Picture

Framing is an important tool in rhetoric and communication. Framing refers to how you, or whoever is communicating, categorizes or narrates a situation, thing, or idea.

You can frame a situation as good or bad, as a problem or solution, as right or wrong, as common or rare, and so on. You can also frame someone or something as important or unimportant, as powerful or powerless.

You can frame things in absolute terms (such as “this is the best thing ever”) or in relative terms (such as “this is better than x”). You can frame things using first person pronouns (such as I or me) or using more objective terms (such as one).

Framing is used in almost every field and discipline. It is used in marketing, sales, politics, science, philosophy, communication studies—really any field where one communicates information to others who may accept it or reject it depends on framing.

Create your strategy

how to frame a big picture

Now that you have an idea for your business and know the types of marketing you want to do, it’s time to create your strategy.

Strategies can include when you will launch your business, how you will market your business, when you will quit your current job, and more. It’s a broad outline of how you plan to succeed in this business venture.

Some people choose to keep their full-time job until they can financially support themselves through their business. Others choose to launch their business with part-time hours until they can increase productivity and profit. It all depends on what works best for you and your schedule.

Marketing can be very expensive, so saving up money before launching your business is a good way to prevent financial distress later on.

Either way, knowing these strategies ahead of time will help you prepare for stepping into the entrepreneur world.

Break down your goals into tasks

how to frame a big picture

Once you’ve decided what you want to achieve, the next step is to list all the tasks that need to be done to achieve that goal.

These are your goals by category (financial, professional, personal, etc.) and they can be very specific (losing 20 pounds) or broad (being healthy).

By doing this, you’ll know exactly what needs to be done to achieve your goal and how far along you are. You’ll also be able to identify what needs more work when you reach a task that requires more effort.

This breaks down the larger goal into more manageable chunks which can help you reassess whether or not you’re making progress or need to make changes. It can also help you identify bonus steps that may help you reach your goal sooner.

Order your tasks by importance

how to frame a big picture

When you have a long list of things to do, it can be hard to know which ones to tackle first.

If you dive into a task that’s lower priority, you risk wasting time that could have been spent on a higher priority task. Yet if you wait to do the higher priority task, you run the risk of running out of time.

In order to manage your time wisely, it’s important to understand what importance means in this context. It doesn’t mean worthiness or significance — it means the likelihood that you will run out of time.

Time is limited, and there’s only so much of it left before you go back to doing whatever it is you want to do next, so the ability to recognize which tasks have the highest chance of making you late is crucial.

Order your tasks by importance so that you can start with the ones that are most likely to make you late.

Prepare for obstacles

You will run into obstacles along the way to achieving your goal. You will also run into people who want to bring you down, either by trying to thwart your goal or by making you feel like you cannot do it.

People can be very judgmental, and even those close to you may have a hard time understanding why you want to do something so ambitious. You have to be prepared for this and know how to deal with it.

Obstacles can take many forms, from financial hurdles to physical obstacles like illness. You have to be ready for anything and everything, and the best way to do that is by being prepared ahead of time.

It is important to understand that goals are non-linear; they involve several steps that must be successfully navigated in order to achieve the end goal. In order to stay focused on your goal, you must understand this fact.

Revise and refocus

how to frame a big picture

Once you have a good understanding of the world, what’s happening in the world, and your place in the world, it’s time to revise and refocus.

If you feel that things in your life are balanced, then there is no need to make changes. However, if you feel that something needs to change, like your lifestyle or career choice, now is the time to do so.

It’s easy to get caught up in what other people are doing and what society expects of you, but at this point, you know enough about the world to know what is best for you.

If you feel like you need a change but don’t know where to start, look into new places or things that will make life changes easier.

Stay consistent

how to frame a big picture

Consistency is key when it comes to updating your profile. If you do not update your profile, people will think you are ignoring them or that your business is no longer active.

People will then unmatch with you or stop following your business due to the lack of visibility. With the new updates, it is easier to add and re-add people than take off a match.

So, make sure to keep updating your profile so people stay engaged! A little bit of effort on your part can go a long way.

By staying consistent, people will know what to expect from you and how to find you. This will help build trust in your brand and generate more business for you!

Make sure to always update your info and keep posting engaging content that resonates with your audience.

Communicate with others

how to frame a big picture

As mentioned before, it is important to communicate with others. You will not be the only one with new ideas and innovations, so it’s important to understand how to share yours effectively.

You should be communicating with others in your field, other fields, and with people who can implement your ideas. This includes politicians, policy makers, business leaders, and the public at large.

By communicating your ideas widely, you increase the chances that your ideas will have an impact. You can do this in person, via media or communication platforms, or both.

Communication is a two-way street, so you must be prepared for resistance and opposition. You must also be prepared for acceptance and uptake of your ideas. Both of these things will help spread the impact of your innovation.

Reflect on your progress

how to frame a big picture

At the end of each month, it’s a good idea to take some time to reflect on the past month. Did you accomplish what you wanted to?

If not, what were the obstacles and how can you overcome them next month?

Were there any lessons you learned that will help you moving forward? What successes can you celebrate?

Getting into the habit of reflecting like this will keep you motivated and moving forward while also helping you identify any changes that need to be made.